Born in Alton, Illinois, he lives in Bow, New Hampshire.
Education: University of New Hampshire at Durham, M.A.
in American history, 2004.
University of New Hampshire at Durham, B.A. in art
history, 1996.
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, B.S. in
journalism and English, 1981.
Served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1982 to 1988.
Proud to be a Mustang and a third-generation U.S. Marine.
Member of Franklin Lodge #25, AF&AM, Alton, Illinois,
since 1978. Also, a 32nd degree Freemason in the Scottish
Rite and York Rite bodies.
Professional drummer since 1974.
Former journalist, editor and photographer.
Compatriot, Illinois Society, Sons of the American Revolution, since 1981 by descent from Henry Rule II and Martin Pruitt.